Download and Install Julia


Darren Irwin

To download and install Julia, go to this URL and follow instructions:

That website will likely detect your operating system and suggest the right approach.

If you have a Mac: The above will direct you to simply open a Terminal window (look for the Terminal application in your Applications/Utilities directory) and type the command below at the Terminal prompt:

curl -fsSL | sh

If you have a PC: I think the above will direct you to simply open a command-line interface window (using e.g., Windows Powershell or Windows Terminal) and type the command below at the prompt:

winget install julia -s msstore

The above commands (whether Mac or PC) install the Juliaup installation manager, which is a wonderful tool to help update Julia and keep different versions (if you wish) available on your computer.

If desired: update Julia

If you already have Julia and Juliaup installed, and you want to update Julia to the latest available stable version, use the command juliaup update. (You can see other useful Juliaup commands here)

Now, run Julia!

In the Terminal window, type julia at the prompt. After some time (only the first time you do this), you should see a julia logo and a prompt saying julia> . This means Julia is installed and running.

Try typing a simple calculation, e.g. 1 + 3 then Enter or Return, and see what happens.

Now try entering "Hello, nice to meet you" (make sure you put the quotes).

With the above, you are using the REPL, the Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop. This is a common way of running Julia. (Another way is to save scripts and execute them, but that is usually for more advanced use.)

Now, go to the next page to learn more about interacting with Julia.